How do GPS trackers work? | Page 3 | cartrack

How do GPS trackers work?

6 June 2018

We’ve all benefited in recent times from Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, and it is quickly becoming an integral part of our lives. You may have also considered investing in a GPS tracker for your vehicle, with Cartrack offering a range of outstanding stolen vehicle recovery and fleet management options that are tailor-made for you.

How much do we actually understand about this technology though? Read below to find out more:

  • What are GPS trackers?

GPS stands for Global Positioning System. A GPS tracker is a portable device that can be fitted into any vehicle and which enables that vehicle to be remotely tracked. Modern GPS trackers are able to provide real-time information on both the vehicle and information surrounding a trip, including speed and location data and driver behaviour through telematics technology.

  • Who typically uses GPS trackers?

Anybody that owns a vehicle and is worried about it being stolen is inclined to use a GPS tracker. Owners of large fleets of trucks or vehicles also like to use them or even parents of teenagers that have recently started driving – this technology enables them to monitor their child’s driving patterns and routes and safely guide them through these novice years on the road.

  • How does GPS tracking work?

A network of satellites is used to specify the location of an object or person attached to the GPS device. The physical location of this object or person is determined based on its distance from three GPS satellites- this process is called trilateration and is the same technology that a portable or in-car navigation system uses. Typically, a GPS tracker will use the same technology that cellular networks run on, which is called Global System for Mobile communications (GSM). Handily, software on your phone, tablet or computer allows you to view your vehicle’s location in real-time once the GPS tracker is installed in the vehicle.

  • Why use GPS tracking in a vehicle?

A GPS car tracking device lets you know where your vehicle is at all times, which is especially useful if you’re worried about your vehicle being stolen or hijacked – the GPS technology makes the job of both law enforcement authorities and private companies such as Cartrack easier in locating and recovering your vehicle.

The real-time data collected through telematics technology also allows fleet managers to oversee and moderate drive behaviour and implement the necessary changes that will improve safety and reduce operational costs arising from poor driving. These fleet managers are empowered to better coordinate daily operations, while some require this technology to track mileage for either reimbursement or bookkeeping purposes.

  • Are GPS trackers in vehicles Legal?

It is perfectly legal to install a GPS tracker in your own vehicle. However, in all other circumstances, it is usually illegal and you should, therefore, proceed with caution and should rather refrain from installing a GPS tracker, especially on other people’s possessions.

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